O’Brien Fellowship Work Samples
print and digital:
“The failed Akron Innerbelt drove decades of racial inequity. Can the damage be repaired?,” Akron Beacon Journal (February 3, 2022): https://www.beaconjournal.com/in-depth/news/2022/02/03/akron-innerbelt-history-racial-inequity-black-history-urban-renewal-ohio/9033520002/
“‘The emotions are on a huge spectrum’: Inside one of Ohio's few remaining abortion clinics,” Akron Beacon Journal (March 24, 2022) (I was the lead reporter and writer on this story, which was part of a four-part series, co-reported with Doug Livingston): https://seymabayram.com/abortion-main
“Iran's protesters find inspiration in a Kurdish revolutionary slogan,” NPR (October 27, 2022) (I was the lead reporter on this story, co-reported with Diba Mohtasham): https://www.npr.org/2022/10/27/1131436766/kurdish-roots-iran-protest-slogan
“Who killed Brian Powers? Police have no leads, loved ones want answers,” Akron Beacon Journal (July 23, 2020): https://seymabayram.com/brian-powers
“A new satellite could help clean up the air in America's most polluted neighborhoods,” NPR (June 19, 2023) (co-reported with Rebecca Hersher): https://www.npr.org/2023/06/19/1179670466/air-pollution-satellite-baltimore-climate-change
“New Jersey requires climate change education. A year in, here's how it's going,” NPR (August 21, 2023): https://www.npr.org/2023/08/20/1191114786/new-jersey-requires-climate-change-education-a-year-in-heres-how-its-going
To see more samples of my digital and radio work, please visit: https://seymabayram.com/writing